Kristin Keen, Founder and CEO of Retreaded, Inc.
Opening Keynote: ReImagine, Rethink and Refocus
Kristen Keen, a Jacksonville Florida NAWBO member, created a successful and growing non-profit social enterprise, Rethreaded, making products using upcycled materials and providing sustainable lives for women survivors of sex-trafficking. Join us to hear Kristen bring our theme of ReImagine, Rethink and Refocus to life as she shares inspiring stories about how Rethreaded lived through the pandemic year and came out ahead.
About Kristin:
Kristin lived for five years in Kolkata, India where she co-founded, Sari Bari, a thriving business that gives survivors of human trafficking a way out of exploitation through employment. Sari Bari now employs more than 120 women. Upon her return to Jacksonville, Kristin started forming relationships with women on the street. She found that the problem of human trafficking was flourishing in her own city and in 2012 she founded Rethreaded. Rethreaded is a safe, supportive work environment where women can start a new career while experiencing continued healing through community. When not at Rethreaded, Kristin is biking or swimming in the ocean at sunrise.